Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hey Everybody!
It has been a hectic but wonderful holiday season here at Hatching Phoenix Productions. There are a few things that I wanted to get done in December that fell through, but 2012 is going to blow your minds!

Before the year ends, I wanted to give you guys a second update, so this is a video I recorded in November for TuacaCon! Click HERE to watch online! TuacaCon is a virtual con put together by's P.G. Holyfield, and it was a blast. Visit their Ustream channel to watch all of the amazing videos from this year, including amazing readings from Nathan Lowell, James Durham, and a bunch of others.

The video is a reading of my flash story "The Space War," which appeared this year in Static Movement Press's Pot Luck Flash Fiction Anthology.

Also, I was a guest on Nutty Bites podcast. We talked about geeky gifts and gift giving dos and don't for nerds. It was lots of fun. Go have a listen!

That just wraps up this post for the end of 2011. I hope you've enjoyed listening to this year's stories and interviews. There are some really great new ones coming up in 2012. I hope you'll stay with us on The Way of the Buffalo!

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